Project name: "Krynichka" - creation of a creative workshop of vocal singing (purchase of equipment: mixing console, amplifier, laptop, 2 speakers, 2 microphones, accordion, TV) and purchase of collections of Belarusian traditional and modern costumes in ethnic style on the basis of ODPI and GPV Klimovichi RCSSON-10 pieces. |
Name of organization: Establishment "Klimovichi District Social Service Center". |
Physical and legal address of the organization, phone, fax, e-mail: 5a Pushkinskaya St., Klimovichi, Mogilev region, Republic of Belarus, tel.fax 80224470249, , |
Information about the organization: The state institution was established in January 2004. Purpose: to provide citizens in difficult life situations with temporary shelter services, material assistance, counseling and information, social and domestic, social-medical, social-pedagogical, social-intermediate, social-psychological, social-rehabilitation services, social foster care services, babysitting services, accompanied accommodation services, hourly care for young children (babysitting services) and other social services. The staff is about 150 people. There is experience in project activities.
Translated with (free version) |
Head of the organization: Svetlana Nikolaevna Graschenko, Director of the institution |
Project Manager: Suyalko Galina Grigorievna, Head of the Day Care Department for the Disabled and Senior Citizens of the "Klimovichi Republican Center for Social Services", 802244 70281, tel. +375(25)7765216, e-mail: |
Previous assistance received from other foreign sources: The institution has long cooperated with the "Klimowitschi-Team" charitable initiative group from the city of Hagen (Germany). With their support a joint long-term humanitarian project is implemented: "We help" - as part of the project foreign gratuitous assistance is provided annually, to create comfortable living conditions in the department of round-the-clock care for elderly and disabled citizens, including from 2016 "Rules of care for the elderly" - practical training with the staff of the department a representative from Germany, Dusseldorf.
Required amount (in U.S. dollars): $14,000 |
Co-financing (in US dollars): $1,000, district budget |
Project Implementation Period: 1year. |
11. Цели проекта: сохранение, популяризация и развитие творческих способностей участников отделения дневного пребывания для инвалидов и граждан пожилого возраста учреждение Климовичский районный центр социального обслуживания населения (далее ОДПИ и ГПВ Климовичский РЦСОН» приобретение аппаратуры и белорусских народных костюмов для вокального ансамбля «Неунывающие сердца», и волонтёрской группы «По зову сердца». Приобретение телевизора для просмотра инвалидами и пожилыми людьми видеороликов по профилактике правонарушений, пожарной безопасности, ведению здорового образа жизни и т.д., познавательных и информационных фильмов в рамках проведения мероприятий. Project objectives: preservation, popularization and development of creative abilities of participants of the day care department for the disabled and elderly citizens of the institution Klimovichi District Center for Social Services (hereinafter the DDPHS Klimovichi RCSSON) purchase of equipment and Belarusian folk costumes for the vocal ensemble "Cheerless hearts", and volunteer group "At the call of the heart". Acquisition of a TV set for people with disabilities and the elderly to watch videos on crime prevention, fire safety, healthy lifestyles, etc., educational and informational films as part of the activities. |
The tasks planned for implementation within the framework of the project: drawing attention to the artistic culture of the Klimovsk region; - formation of spiritual, moral, artistic-aesthetic, civil, communicative culture of the modern Belarusian society; - education of the disabled and elderly citizens of humanism and respect for cultural traditions; - preservation and development of material and immaterial culture; - creating conditions for socialization and personal self-development; - development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative skills and abilities to work with the disabled. |
13. 13. Детальное описание деятельности (мероприятий) в рамках проекта в соответствии с поставленными задачами: приобретение аппаратуры и коллекций белорусских традиционных костюмов в этностиле для организации досуга пожилых граждан и проведения мероприятий с целью сохранения, популяризации и развития творческих способностей участников ОДПИиГПВ учреждения «Климовичский РЦСОН»
Целевая группа: - инвалиды; - граждане пожилого возраста; - этнографы; - культурологи; - мастера традиционных народных ремесел и декоративно – прикладного творчества; - другие категории населения. Место реализации проекта: Республика Беларусь, Могилевская область г.Климовичи, отделение дневного пребывания для инвалидов и граждан пожилого возраста учреждения «Климовичский РЦСОН» A detailed description of the project activities (events) in accordance with the objectives: purchase of equipment and collections of Belarusian traditional costumes in ethnic style to organize leisure time of senior citizens and activities to preserve, promote and develop the creative abilities of the participants of ODPI and GPGV of "Klimovichi RCSSS".
Target group: - persons with disabilities; - senior citizens; - ethnographers; - culturologists; - masters of traditional folk crafts and arts and crafts; - other categories of the population. Place of the project implementation: the Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Klimovichi, the day care department for the disabled and elderly citizens of the institution "Klimovichi RCHS". |
Justification: The project is aimed at improving the quality of life of elderly and disabled citizens, preservation, popularization and development of creative abilities of the above mentioned citizens, organization of leisure time. |
1. Граждане, проживающие в Климовичском районе, узнают о реализации инициативы и ее значении для них. 2. Будет создана база для реализации инициативы и произведен выбор партнеров по поставке материалов, необходимых для реализации инициативы. 3. Большая часть пожилых людей и людей с инвалидностью будут пользоваться приобретенными материалами, интересно и с пользой проводить свободное время. 4. Результаты деятельности инициативы будут освещены в СМИ, будет разработан буклет, а также видеоролик и баннер, освещающий деятельность инициативы. Post-project activities: 1. Citizens living in the Klimovichi district will learn about the implementation of the initiative and its importance for them. 2. the basis for implementation of the initiative will be created and partners will be selected to supply materials necessary for implementation of the initiative. Most of the elderly and disabled people will use the purchased materials and spend their free time in an interesting and useful way. 4. The results of the initiative's activities will be covered in the media, a booklet will be developed, as well as a video clip and a banner highlighting the initiative's activities. |
Total amount of funding (in U.S. dollars): 15 000 |
Источник финансирования |
Объем финансирования (в долларах США) |
Средства донора Source of funding Donor funds |
14 000 Amount of financing (in US dollars) 14 000 |
Софинансирование Co-financing |
1 000 |